Eberspächer VAIREX
Frequently asked questions

Yes, Eberspächer VAIREX uses brushless, direct current (BLDC) type motors to reduce cost and increase system efficiency and operating life. BLDC motors require an external controller to function properly.
This system architecture helps the end-user by:
- Reducing power consumption
- Providing a wide flow range: turn down to 1% of maximum flow is generally achieved
- Reducing wear components: an Eberspächer VAIREX regenerative compressor has no brushes to replace!
Eberspächer VAIREX stocks multiple different models of BLDC controllers to match with our regenerative compressors. Visit the Regenerative Compressor page or Controller page for more reasons why an Eberspächer VAIREX is the best choice for any fuel cell application.
Eberspächer VAIREX performance maps give information about a regenerative compressor's flow, pressure performance, and power usage. The regenerative compressor type, the voltage used, and elevation of the performance map are all given in the title. The thick colored lines are regenerative compressor speed in RPM. The thin, blue lines are power consumption.
Power consumption of the air delivery system can be estimated with these performance maps.
The estimated power lines show total system power, including a regenerative compressor and controller. No additional power needs to be calculated for a controller.
We test our regenerative compressors with a set of standard controllers on a test stand. Our test stand has an ambient pressure transducer, outlet pressure transducer, ambient temperature sensor, outlet temperature sensor, and a Micro-Motion mass flow meter. Eberspächer VAIREX directly measures the mass flow data that we publish to reduce error due to conversion from volume flow measurement devices.
Eberspächer VAIREX is both ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified.
Eberspächer VAIREX is always looking to expand its product line outside of the products currently offered. See the Custom Solutions page for more details of our capabilities or contact us for more information.
Yes, Eberspächer VAIREX is actively shipping to over 17 countries in the world.
Eberspächer VAIREX has studied how to measure efficiency and has published this white paper on a consistent way to measure efficiency.